eCAD solution
Kraus & Naimer and WSCAD
The WSCAD GmbH offers companies and self-employed fast and reliable E-CAD solutions with convinced price-performance ratio for the complete electrical engineering planning and documentation. Users of electrical engineering, control cabinet construction, process engineering (P&ID), fluid technology, building automation and electrical installation have the modular and scalable WSCAD SUITE all the tools they need for the planning, development and construction of electrical machinery, systems and building automation.
Structuring, reusing and automating shorten the planning and construction times from several weeks to several hours and minutes with higher quality of the work results. Services of WSCAD Global Business Services such as engineering and migration checkup, workflow processes, consulting and training or the digitization of paper documentation and reading in foreign E-CAD formats complete the product range.
With over 1.3 million icons and article data from more than 240 manufacturers in WSCAD and Eplan*-EDZ format, is the most powerful E-CAD data library in the world. In addition to the electrical data, the platform offers high-quality 3D data in over 90 common CAD formats, including the widely used step format.
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