
Kraus & Naimer:
Leading Company in the network of exemplary companies.
The global company with its headquarters in Vienna is a new member of the Austria's Leading Companies.
Vienna, January 25, 2019 – Kraus & Naimer has been certified as a Leading Company in Austria, which makes it a member of a high-level business network. The award was handed over to Mag. Harald Zeller, CFO of Kraus & Naimer Group, during a festive ceremony in the Belvedere Palace.
Photo 1 copyright by Sabine Klimpt
Photo 2 copyright by Sabine Klimpt

Sonja Reinle
Marketing & Communication
Kraus & Naimer GmbH
Wikingerstraße 20-28
76189 Karlsruhe
T: +49 721 59 88 135
E: marketing-de(at)